The common skin bacterial germ called Staphylococcus Aureus has been recognised as a common trigger for suddenly worsening eczema in children. Children with eczema have a deficient skin barrier to common allergens and bacteria, and their skin also becomes more extensively colonised by the staphylococcus. This staphylococcus releases an endotoxin which can cause deterioration and leads to difficult to control eczema. Latest medical research also shows that children with eczema who are already colonised with the staphylococcus are more likely to then develop food allergies in addition to their eczema. This study shows increase egg and peanut allergy in children with eczema, if their skin is colonised with the staphylococcus skin germ. In the study, food allergic sensitisation occurs independently of the eczema severity.
Reference: Journal Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019